Families and Healthcare in Thailand

This blog has been created for students participating in the 2014 University of Minnesota learning abroad course Families and Healthcare in Thailand. Students will share their stories and what they are learning as we travel to Chiang Mai, Chiangrai, and Bangkok.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tips and advice from Katie K. for the next Thai adventurers:

The trip was amazing first of all. I want to go back right now and relive it all, but I would only change a few things. First, I would bring a bigger carry on bag. The carry on bag I brought was only a lap top bag, but on the flight home, I wish I had a bigger bag to stow away my gifts that I had purchased for everybody. Two: bring a neck pillow for the long flight and bus rides. Three: some adapter and converters do not work as well as others, make sure you ask about which one is best. Four: my hair straightener burnt out because of the conversion of electricity. If it is valuable do not use the electronic in Thailand. Five: pack more clothes that you would wear everyday or to experience the night life. I brought only clothes that I thought were appropriate for visiting hospitals and such, and I wish I would have brought more of what I like to wear everyday. Six: experience all that you can, and immerse yourself in the culture. When the group goes out to experience the city, join in because you never know what kind of stories they will come back with that you missed out on. Seven: after a while, you may get sick of the Thai food, but just try to keep eating it and find something different that you like. By the end of the trip I had realized how much money I spent on western food and wish I hadn't. Thai food is much cheaper and healthier. I still cant get over the fact that I am home in Minnesota. I wish I was back in Thailand. To future Thailand travelers: make the most of your experience. Be open to learning and experiencing new things and you will have the ultimate adventure!

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